Kamis, 04 November 2021
Hey guys! Have you ever been heartbroken to the point where you let the heartbreak control your life?
Well I think my toastmaster speech might be relevant to your situation. Check it out !
Senin, 01 November 2021
Hai temen-temen!
Di post sebelumnya gue udah bahas pengalaman gue tentang bagaimana cara seorang pelajar yang ingin ke Singapore pas Covid - nah kali ini gue mau bahas tentang gimana sih cara balik ke Indonesia pas lagi Covid. Yuk simak berikut ini
Selasa, 19 Januari 2021
Hai semuanya!
Penasaran gimana cara ke Singapore pas lagi Covid-19?
Apa bener bisa ke Singapore pas lagi Covid?
Takut gak sih harus karantina dulu?
Gimana syarat masuk nya?
Yuk, simak berikut ini!
Penasaran gimana cara ke Singapore pas lagi Covid-19?
Apa bener bisa ke Singapore pas lagi Covid?
Takut gak sih harus karantina dulu?
Gimana syarat masuk nya?
Yuk, simak berikut ini!
Selasa, 28 Mei 2019
Hey there! Are you thinking about studying in Singapore? Have you ever heard of UOL or SIM? Find out more here ~
Rabu, 05 Desember 2018
Just like the title, I'll repeat that again. She said.
I, Forgive, you.
Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018
Helloo ❤❤
Ada ngga sih dari kalian yang udah mau 1 tahun pacaran nih sama pacarnya, tapii masih bingung mau kasih kado apa, atau bahkan ngapunya budget ππ
Read on !
Ada ngga sih dari kalian yang udah mau 1 tahun pacaran nih sama pacarnya, tapii masih bingung mau kasih kado apa, atau bahkan ngapunya budget ππ
Read on !
Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018
Hey ❤
I've been hiding myself from sunlight by watching YouTube videos these days haha and I came across what I think is a very interesting challenge. It is called 'Ugly Location Challenge.'
Check out this post to see how I did it!
Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018
Hai semuanyaa! Simak pengalaman gue cat rambut warna ungu yuk he he he
Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016
Hi guys!
Well. Mari kita bedah pengalaman gue masuk osis..
Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016
Anxiety during travelling is very normal.
Check out this post to get tips that hopefully can help you cope !
Why did I Create this Post?
I travelled not long ago. It was my first time travelling by plane after a very long time I didn't. Me, my mom and my younger sister booked tickets to Japan. We'll go on a tour. 3 of us.. My dad couldn't make it because of work.
It was scary. We never go without our father- and now we're on a plane, for a 7 days trip without him.
Another point was- my mom has a panic attack when it comes to getting on a plane. She experienced a bad turbulence few years ago and based on what I observe when I sat beside her on the plane, it was terrible. I think for her, the trauma plus me and my sister were now on the plane together with her, plus the absence of my father, were too much to handle.
We had 1.5 hours from Jakarta to Singapore and next flight at 00:25 to Osaka. I think she did well hiding it all. Trying to be strong for us- you know- mother.
anddd.. that's why I made this post. Because I think there must be someone out there having this trauma like my mother.
How to Survive a Panic Attack when Travelling?
- Keep Your Mind Busy
Take a deep breath and try to think about other things- maybe happy moments or anything you want in life. This will distract yourself from getting the panic attack. You can also watch the movie or play games.
Close your eyes and just think you're in a Disney land - playing a huge roller coaster. It'll get over soon {for take off and landing}. You can even get up and walk the aisle a few times. Simple movement can help you release tension!
- Sleeping Pills* (please seek doctor assistance for this)
- Practice Relaxation Techniques
“Breathing is a ‘portable tool’ to decrease hyperventilation.” - Kevin Chapman, Kentucky-based clinical psychologist.
- Keep Your Mind Straight
Grounding yourself with evidence-based thoughts to separate the facts you know from the fictions your mind might create is definitely important.
Yep that's all! Hope that helps!
All the best for your trip π
Senin, 14 Maret 2016
Hai he-he
This is going to be short. I just need to pour out what has been on my mind lately. It's a story about my best friend. The old ones - and the best I have ever had.
This is going to be short. I just need to pour out what has been on my mind lately. It's a story about my best friend. The old ones - and the best I have ever had.
Jumat, 25 September 2015
New post! Finally yeay heheh..
Sebuah tulisan tentang cinta yang ga datang-datang, tapi sekalinya datang, otak cuma bisa bilang ke hati. "Telat"
Senin, 03 Maret 2014
Hi! Kalian tau buku ini ga? Refrain by Winna Effendi
Menurut gue ceritanya membuat gue berfikir. Apa laki-laki dan perempuan memang ga bisa stay as friend?
Jujur gue kurang percaya kalau sahabat akan jadi pasangan. Kenapa? Karena ga semuanya kayak gitu. There'll be a time dimana lu butuh sahabat lu, dan lu enjoy his/her existence and you are not even thinking to take a next step in the relationship.
Well, memang sih banyak kejadian yang membuktikan kalau cowok dan cewek gabisa sahabatan. Terutama di buku ini. Let me take you on why they can't stay as friend.
Studi dari National Bureau of Economic Research mengatakan bahwa orang yang menikah lebih bahagia daripada orang yang belum menikah, dan mereka yang mendapatkan sahabat mereka sebagai partner hidup, mendapatkan kepuasan dua kali lipat dibanding orang yang menikah bukan dengan sahabatnya.
Well.. udah diakui secara global nih. Selain itu, apa lagi sih alasannya?
Balik lagi ke definisi sahabat itu sendiri. Sebagai sahabat, tentunya mereka adalah orang yang udah kenal sifat kita sampe busuk-busuknya and we're comfortable showing our true self. Kita ga perlu pura-pura untuk menjadi orang lain karena mereka sudah dari awal menerima kita apa adanya. Selain itu, circle kita adalah cerminan diri kita sendiri. Maka dari itu, sahabat kalian sudah pasti punya kesamaan dalam hal hobi / opini / any interest atau at least kalian sudah tahan dengan sikap masing-masing.
Menikah bukan hal yang mudah. Bahkan orang bilang, cinta hanya bertahan maksimal 3 tahun - setelah itu hanya ada rasa hormat dan respect. Nah dengan kamu memiliki sahabat sebagai partner hidupmu, kamu akan bisa terus melakukan hal seru yang akan kembali me-spark kisah cinta kalian.
Kira-kira gitu deh. Gimana ? Siapa nih yang sedang jatuh cinta atau lagi pacaran / bahkan udah mau nikah sama sahabatnya ? Haha
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